I knew this event was going to be different from your standard online marketing conference, but until you experience it, you just don’t realize how refreshing a whole new presentation style such as this can be!
The speakers were not just there to do their strut on the catwalk and then leave — they mingled and networked before and after their presentations. They shared their insight and gathered wisdom from attendees. From the excellent food to the intimate layout, well integrated social media (Twitter Wall) to the loose format which allowed for lots of learning in the halls; this was an event which remolded the genre.
In the interest of full disclosure, I’m privileged to work with Both JP De Clerk and Rien van den Bosch, the two organizers, but even so, they still blew my mind with an event which was everything an online marketing conference should be.
Quarterly Magazine, Reviews & Reports
[superbutton link=”http://www.fusionmarketingexperience.com/2011/03/first-fusion-marketing-experience-quarterly-online/” title=”Fusion Marketing Experience Quarterly Magazine” image=”” class=”sprbtn_green” target=”_blank” rel=””]Fusion Marketing Experience Quarterly Magazine[/superbutton]
[superbutton link=”http://gomediaonline.com/?page_id=6″ title=”Chris Tompkins: Review, Interviews and Photo Album” image=”” class=”sprbtn_blue” target=”_blank” rel=””]Chris Tompkins Review, Interviews and Photo Album[/superbutton]
[superbutton link=”http://emailblog.eu/2011/03/23/event-report-fusion-marketing-experience/” title=”Event Report: Fusion Marketing Experience by Remy Bergsma” image=”” class=”sprbtn_purple” target=”_blank” rel=””]Event Report: Fusion Marketing Experience by Remy Bergsma[/superbutton]
Slide Decks from Fusion Marketing Experience
[superbutton link=”http://www.slideshare.net/conversionation/social-media-marketing-presentation-on-fusionmex-by-olivier-blanchard-thebrandbuilder” title=”Social Media Marketing Presentation by Olivier Blanchard” image=”” class=”sprbtn_lightgray” target=”_blank” rel=””]Social Media Marketing Presentation by Olivier Blanchard[/superbutton]
[superbutton link=”http://www.slideshare.net/jdevalk/seo-content-marketing-fusion-marketing-experience” title=”SEO & Content Marketing by Joost de Valk” image=”” class=”sprbtn_darkgray” target=”_blank” rel=””]SEO & Content Marketing by Joost de Valk[/superbutton]
[superbutton link=”http://www.slideshare.net/conversionation/11-digital-marketingstrategy-issues-for-2011-by-dave-chaffey-fusionmex” title=”11 Digital Marketing Strategy Issues for 2011 by Dave Chaffey” image=”” class=”sprbtn_lightgray” target=”” rel=””]11 Digital Marketing Strategy Issues for 2011 by Dave Chaffey[/superbutton]
[superbutton link=”http://www.slideshare.net/conversionation/richard-sedley-foviance-at-fusionmex-multichannel-engagement” title=”Multichannel Engagement by Richard Sedley” image=”” class=”sprbtn_darkgray” target=”_blank” rel=””]Multichannel Engagement by Richard Sedley[/superbutton]
[superbutton link=”http://www.slideshare.net/conversionation/gianfranco-cuzziol-ecrm-and-the-art-and-science-of-being-social” title=”eCRM and the Art and Science of Being Social by Gianfranco Cuzziol” image=”” class=”sprbtn_lightgray” target=”_blank” rel=””]eCRM and the Art and Science of Being Social by Gianfranco Cuzziol[/superbutton]
[superbutton link=”http://www.slideshare.net/conversionation/kath-pay-the-evolving-inbox” title=”The Evolving Inbox by Kath Pay” image=”” class=”sprbtn_darkgray” target=”_blank” rel=””]The Evolving Inbox by Kath Pay[/superbutton]
We’ve launched a redesign of the Fusion Marketing Experience website here!
Have I missed anything? Please leave a comment with link with related content so I can add it to the post!
Update: please join us in paying respect to Fusion Marketing Experience speaker Trey Pennington who unfortunately is not among us anymore. He will be missed.