Dave Chaffey: The Online Value Proposition


We’ve got a stellar line up of online marketing thought leaders as keynote speakers this year for the Fusion Marketing Experience in Brussels, March 23, 2011. Dr. Dave Chaffey is sure to be one of our big hitters!

Dr. Dave Chaffey is the CEO and co-founder of Smart Insights. He’s been amassing experience and expertise in internet marketing and business technology since 1994 and has made a career out of sharing this knowledge and experience with students and professionals. He’s a much sought after consultant, passionate educator and published author.

Dr. Chaffey is just the kind of chef we want cooking up new ideas about online marketing at the Fusion Marketing Experience. When we started putting this conference together, we went looking for leaders in the field who are “thought disruptors” and have a passion for bringing new ways and new ideas to share with others.

It’s that passion they have for sharing ideas and the desire to help others take those ideas to the next level which set the keynote speakers at Fusion Marketing Experience apart from other events.

One thing Dave talks about is the OVP or Online Value Proposition and how important it is to your online marketing.

Here’s an excerpt from one of his posts on the subject:

“Ever been to a web site and wondered ‘Why am I here?’, ‘How does this help me?‘ or ‘Does this site give me what I need?’. And then left shortly afterwards?

A succinct online value proposition is a crucial way to hook new visitors into your site and brand in those crucial seconds (not minutes!) that a visitor is deciding to click-on or leave your site. It also encourages continued usage and advocacy about your site, so it’s vital to an effective web strategy.

An online value proposition is closely tied to your brand positioning which answers questions like: who we are, what we offer, which markets do we serve, what makes us different? But the OVP extends this the difference is that it identifies the reasons why customers will click on, return, register or buy from your site and ideally feel motivated enough to share their experience – the last point being key in an age where the customer increasingly defines the brand.

It should state the intrinsic benefits a visitor will get from the site, content, web service or functionality – and how that ties to your overall product or service. It cannot simply be your brand promise or a more general customer value proposition stuck online, since that misses the point that someone is on your site now and asking themselves questions such as ‘what’s in this for me?’

Read the full post here.

Join Dr. Dave Chaffey and other amazing online marketing chefs at the Fusion Marketing Experience in Brussels on March 23rd!